Friday, February 6, 2009

Walking around is not so fun anymore

After a few days of peacefully walking through the city at night, I decided to take care of some business today and finally get my bike back (which has been broken and parked at work for the past month).  I stopped by Long in the Tooth mainly to pick up the new Loved Ones EP and the new Bruce album.  I ended up spending about an hour and a half in there talking to the guy who runs it.  From everything from music shopping in the NEast to how we like Gorilla Biscuits and hate Set Your Goals, to being sad over Joe Strummer's death to the Phils.  Unfortunately they were sold out of Bruce and I spent so much time there, Via Bikes was closed by the time I got there.  Walking from work to 20th & Sansom to South St was kinda brutal.  Not as quite and peaceful and wind-free as the past few days have been.  Went to Repo to get Working On A Dream, which was either 20 for LP or 12 for CD and even though I told myself I'd cut down on spending, I went for the LP becuz i just got the damn thing and I want to start my collection.  So sue me.  Also, I'm weak.  After about an hour back at home (complete with a chicken cheesesteak and fries from Ishkabibble's), I ventured back into Center City to meet up with Candice for beers at Oscar's in between her class and her ride home.  Fun!  We have entirely too much in common, it's almost scary.  An awkward moment when I stopped at Phillip's led me to Chima for a drink at Anth's bar and then back to (guess where) Oscar's for further drinks with Anth and the Mac's (Bri, Zach and Dan).  Off to Manhattan tomorrow for a show at the Annex and a night on the town (aka getting drunk all over the island and crashing a discounted hotel thanks to my crappy job).  The following is what I bought today: LP's: Bruce Spingsteen - "Working on a Dream", Chicago - "Chicago Transit Authority", Quiet Riot - "Metal Health", Elvis Costello - "Imperial Bedroom" and Prince - "Purple Rain".  CD:  The Loved Ones - "Distractions EP", Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros - "Rock Art & the X-Ray Style" and "Global A Go-Go", The Clash - "The Essential Clash" and "The Singles", American Steel - "American Steel" and "Rouge's March" and The Beatles - "1" the way, I totally closed this window and am SOOOO happy that they save drafts of everything now-days.  Have you noticed that?  Everytime you write a myspace message, blog or anything, every time you stop typing it saves.  Awesome!

1 comment:

jengray said...

way to stock up on the mescaleros... but how can you hate set your goals???