Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sliding across board room tables

Tonite I went to my friend Art's 40th birthday party at a totally pimped out apartment suite that he rented out in his apt. building.  Seriously, this place was bangin. Full equipped with a business-meeting-style board room...which was fully equipped with a business-meeting-style board room table.  We decided the most appropriate thing to do was dive across it for an hour or so and laugh like 12 year olds.  It was awesome.  We drank lagers and Magic Hats and told stories.  It reminded me of being young.  Tonight wasn't as cold as previous nights so my ride home wasn't so bad. Oh, and also, I got to wear jeans and sneakers at work today b/c Navy is in house and I was wearing a jersey.  Sooo, overall, good day.

1 comment:

Shellydesuza said...

Business boardrooms are now equipped with software video conferencing . It is nice to find a boardroom for a friend's meet. Nice idea !! In fact board rooms promise to have pleasant environment.